10 February 2013


Slept in until almost 11AM. Had breakfast with Harri while Mirja chatted on the phone with her mom and sister. Started writing this diary from memory…hopefully I didn’t forget anything!

It was a lazy day (every day is a lazy day for me). I helped (a little) Mirja build a snowman and snowcat.

Harri heated up sauna (70C/158F). He and I went to sauna, and in between visits I jumped in the snow. Naked. Totally naked. Brr, that was cold!

Later in the evening, we watched a few episodes of Harri’s “Alfred Hitchcock Presents” DVD. Good stuff!

Went to bed before 11, but woke up around midnight. Stayed up until 3AM, reading “Sin & Vengeance” on the Kindle.


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