11 February 2013


Slept until about 10:30AM. Got up and had breakfast.

I went for a long walk with Mirja, winding up at some indoor flea markets near Prisma. We looked around for a while, then Harri joined us. He and I then went shopping at Prisma while Mirja walked back home.

We had dinner, then Harri and Mirja’s son Timo stopped by. Later, I went with H&M to check on their other car. It’s in storage and there was some issue with the garage.

After that, we stopped at one of their rental apartments in Lauritsala so they could meet with a new tenant. We also visited their other son Mikko’s girlfriend Jessica, who lives nearby.

53300 Lappeenranta, Finland


We got back to the house late evening. Mirja checked on some possible trips to Tallinn (Estonia) while Harri watched the news. We’ve been talking about taking a cruise to Tallinn for a while now…it would be my first visit to the former Soviet country.

The 3 of us caught a few more episodes of Hitchcock before calling it a night.

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