12 February 2013


No one slept very well last night. The cats were noisy. Mom Sophie was restless, daughter Sindi was in heat. After the feline entertainment ended, I got up around 9 and had breakfast.

Harri and Mirja ran some errands downtown. I stayed at the house and got ready for our trip to Hamina later today.

We departed Lappeenranta mid afternoon and drove to Hamina. Harri and I went to the S-Market supermarket while Mirja ran an errand for her mom. We then went to visit Harri’s mom, my aunt Meeri. She served us coffee and cookies….it’s always nice to see her!

After we left Meeri’s apartment, we stopped by Mirja’s old family home to shovel some snow and check on the house. After that we went to another grocery store, then to see Mirja’s mom. She had some health problems last year and recently moved into an apartment.

It was getting late and we hadn’t eaten dinner yet, so we stopped at a local pizzeria for a quick bite. We were on the road by 9:30 and returned to Lappeenranta around 10:45. Had our Hitchcock nightcap and went to bed.


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