13 February 2013


Got up around 10AM and had breakfast. Mirja called to confirm our overnight trip to Tallinn next week. It will be just the three of us. We tried to get a fourth (including several other cousins) but no luck.

Mirja had some afternoon medical appointments and Harri went along. They ran some other errands while they were out. I messaged my cousin Antti on Facebook about getting together during my stay.

My parents called in the afternoon and we talked for about half an hour.

Mirja noticed a problem with Harri’s car. There was a noise coming from underneath the car. He took it to the local Toyota dealer to get some parts. Apparently there was a loose cover that was missing a part. Harri fixed it himself, although he scratched up his fingers in the process.

I went shopping with Mirja in the evening, first to Robin Hood then Alko and Citymarket.

Came back to the house, watched Naked Gun, had some drinks and ate hot wings. Took a little while to get to sleep (must have been the wings!). Read a book on my Kindle and was snoring by 2:30AM.

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