14 February 2013


Got up early and had breakfast. Harri and I left for Alapihlaja at 8:45AM and got there by 10.

We checked on the old family home, then walked to check on our cottage. The snow was pretty deep in spots but we got there eventually. Everything checked out OK. We stopped to check our aunt Terttu’s cottage and everything was fine there, too.

We visited our country neighbor Leena for a few minutes. Saw her new Mercedes which she won in a raffle last December. Leena was cutting some branches off a tree by her sauna building. I gave her the Braille card games she had asked me to order for her granddaughter last summer.

Harri and I were back in Lappeenranta by 1PM. We had a light lunch, then packed our bags. Harri, Mirja and I left around 2:15 to go visit Harri’s sister/my cousin Tytti (real name Tarja) in Risulahti.



We arrived there around 4PM. Tytti, husband Esko and daughter Laura were home. Their other daughter, Maria, arrived shortly after us.

Dinner, Trivial Pursuit and sauna followed. We had some cognac and chatted until after midnight.


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