16 February 2013


Slept in late today. Had brunch, then the first beer of the day…hey, it was after 12 o’clock 🙂

Mikko’s friends Jani and Matti came over to the apartment. Jessica drove the 5 of us to do some shopping. We went to Citymarket and Alko, plus had a few more more brews.

We stopped at Jani’s house so he could heat up his woodstove. Tossed back some more beers and coffee, for good measure. Played with his cat, Turo.

From there, we drove back to Mikko and Jessica’s place. We made tacos and fajitas, plus had some more adult beverages.

Mikko called a taxi (van) and we all headed downtown. First stop was Old Town, then some other bars. We finally ended up at a disco. Timo and his friends joined us, along with Jessica’s mom and her friend.

We had a great time. Lots of drinking and dancing. In fact, we helped close the place down around 4:30AM! We took another taxi to Matti’s family garage. They have their own little bar, appropriately called HangOvers. Enjoyed one final beverage before taking yet another taxi back to Lauritsala.

Got back to the apartment, had some juice and toast…turned in around 6AM. Amazing I can still keep up with all these kids 😉


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