18 February 2013


Mikko got up early to go to work. Jessica dropped me off at Harri’s place around 11AM.

Mirja was in Helsinki today for a union meeting. Harri and I watched The Godfather on my Kindle Netflix app. Netflix expanded to the Nordic countries late last year, but I was still surprised my U.S. account worked here.

Harri cooked us an early dinner. Eggs, french fries, smoked salmon…delish!

In the evening, we went to pick up Mirja at the train station. Dropped her off at the house, then went shopping at Anttila and Prisma. Got home around 9PM.

Harri and I watched National Lampoon’s Vacation on Netflix while Mirja worked on her computer. She said she wanted to go to bed early, but then suggested a nightcap. Big mistake LOL. We wound up staying up until after 3AM, singing songs while Harri played guitar.

It would have to be a short night’s sleep. Mirja has scheduled an appointment with a contractor at 10AM tomorrow. He’ll be here to give an estimate on remodeling their kitchen.


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