26 February 2013


Got up around 9AM. Had breakfast, took a shower and packed my bags.

Harri cooked salmon and fries for lunch. I gave him my heavier coat so I would have more room in my suitcase.

We left for the train station around 2:20PM. As I was lifting my backpack, I felt some instant pain in my back…oh no not again 🙁 We got to the station at 2:30, the train arrived at 2:40 and I was on my way to Helsinki.

Took some video and pictures on board, testing out VR’s wifi service. It wasn’t super fast, but it was free 🙂 I messaged Antti on Facebook that I was on my way.

Arrived in Pasila (last stop before Helsinki) right on schedule. Antti met me at the train station, I had planned to stay at his place, but his wife Minna was sick. I would stay with his parents Raija and Ville instead.

Antti and I ran some errands, picking up his daughter Lotta and dropping her off at music class. We took my stuff to his parents house, then picked up Lotta. We then went grocery shopping and had dinner at Ristorante Dennis. They dropped me off around 8PM.


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