9 February 2013


Always takes me a while to adjust to the 7-hour time difference in Finland. Woke up around 4AM and read a book on my Kindle. Sindi the cat came to my room and jumped in bed. Finally got back to sleep around 7AM and slept til after 11.

Took a quick shower, then went downtown with Harri to drop off Mirja. She was going to the theatre and dinner with some friends.

Harri and I stopped for lunch at Hesburger, where we both ordered the tasty fish ‘n’ chips. I played for my mom, then went shopping at Prisma. We then went to the Musta ja Miiri pet store, where Harri picked up some pricey cat litter (4 bags for 60 euros, about 80 bucks). My cat would be jealous!

Hung out in the house during the afternoon, worked on the computer and…gasp…took a nap. Harri shoveled snow, changed a headlight and washed the car. Boy did I feel like a lazy slob!

We went to pick up Mirja and I got to meet her friends. The 3 of us came home and had some drinks, Mirja already feeling a bit tipsy from her dinner 🙂 Harri cooked salmon and french fries. He and I ate while we watched a Finnish sketch comedy on TV.

Mirja suggested we walk to the local pub for a beer. It wound up being 4 or 5 beers! Harri and Mirja sang karaoke with the locals, and we helped close the place up around 2AM.

We walked back to their house, had some more drinks and jammed with some vintage 50’s rock ‘n’ roll. Finally hit the sack around 330AM…what a fun night!


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